Schedule a FREE Telehealth appointment at the link below and speak to the Plan A provider about the best birth control options for you. No insurance required. Both the appointment and the medication are free.
Our services are currently available only to residents of Georgia and Mississippi. Not in those states? Use the widget below to find a clinic near you!
How does Plan A Family Planning telehealth visit work?
Fill out the form above to schedule you for a telehealth appointment - either via video chat or by phone, whichever is best for you. You can also text us at 662-998-1761
At your scheduled visit, our nurse practitioner will talk with you about the best birth control FOR YOU.
We will mail all forms of prescription birth control to you at zero cost (including the depo shot!).
If the birth control you chose isn’t the right fit for you, reach back out and try again. There are more than 100 types on the market - you deserve the time and help you need to find what works best for your body and your plans for the future.
Interested in our free emergency contraception packages? Visit us here or ask at your telehealth visit.
What other telehealth services are available at Plan A?
Plan A has expanded our telehealth offerings! Patients can now book a telehealth appointment for the following services:
ELLA (emergency contraception best prescribed for patients over 165lbs)
PrEP + PEP, HIV prevention medications
Mammogram referral
HIV Treatment